Monday, August 10, 2009


6 days till closing on our house and like 90 days till wedded bliss. We are very much excited. Tonight I made Josh his lunch in a cute tupperware with compartments in it and I loved every second of it. I am a nerd. If theres anyone who deserves a nice compartmentalized lunch though, it's Josh - he was so sweet to me tonight as I definitely cried at the number on the scale. I stepped on the scale pre workout and it was so bad that I ran up to meet josh in the main part of the gym and I started crying. He walked me out of the gym and held me and told me I wasnt fat. He told me that the bagel I had had that morning was holding in lots of water weight. I am not sure if that was true or not but dang it made me feel good.

Well thats all I got for today. I am still getting used to this whole blogging thing again....not sure anyone cares about these small details in my life - but I like to document them and hey, if you like to stalk my blog- I am ok with that.

1 comment:

  1. I care. Yes I do, in fact, I care enough to post on every. single. post. :)


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