Saturday, July 31, 2010

Goodwill Hunting

So - in honor of it being half off day at my nearby Goodwill. I thought I would do a post about all the gems I have found there.

My sister-in-law, Jen recently bought a chair and turned it into a candy apple red delight and it made me smile.

Now if that doesn't inspire to get out there and dig thru stuff at Goodwill - I don't know what will!

Here are some of my latest findings.

Here is a ceramic peacock. I didn't know I wanted or needed a ceramic peacock until I locked eyes with this little guy. And then I knew. I knew that inside my heart was a ceramic peacock shaped hole.

Luckily, it has been filled.

Sometimes I want to take a sharpie to him and do this....

I just think it would give him some flare. As if he needs any.

Moving on from ceramic is my find from today. $1.50. I must say I was pretty stoked about this. Not sure what to do with it. It could hold throw blankets or I could put it on our sun porch with some plants? Regardless, I knew I wanted it.

Westside Melons. Somewhere, a farmer who is in a gang is wondering what happened to his melon crate. Westsiiiide. It's so gangsta. I am just waiting for Josh to make an innapropriate joke about melons. It's there somewhere.

And here's this little gem. A mirror with a super cute frame that is calling out for some spray paint. But what color? And where? So many questions. Until they are answered my mirror will sit in my guestroom reflecting the mess that is my guest room. Can you see it? That's my wedding dress draped over a bulletin board. So sad.

And those are my goodwill finds for the month- and I didn't even upload the photo of the legit Diane Von Furstenberg purse I got for $3. I know. I felt like the guy who buys a painting at a garage sale and there is a Monet behind it. It's not that extreme - but I was indeed excited.

Friday, July 30, 2010

goodbye productivity

uh oh. I have found a new obsession. - you can make outfits and room inspiration boards and they have sooo many cute things. It's downright ridiculous.

Here is my first outfit inspiration board. Mostly to inspire me to wear something other than my highwater-rolled-up-wannabe-capris and grey cardigan every day this summer.

Ok, I think I have to go to Forever21. Now. This tank top is soo cute. At least it looks cute here. Who knows how it will look on me. And that ring? Oh my. I can only hope charlotte russe makes a knockoff. And I spelled night wrong in the title of this set. Oh well. Who can spell correctly when you're mind is completely focused on the adorability of those ruffles? Not I.

Date nght in july

Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Date nght in july by lstamm featuring Rebecca Minkoff bags

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jar Goodness

Oh my. Just saw some fun pictures of mason jars on apartment therapy. Anthropologie did a whole display of mason jars. I am feeling inspired.

I think in my dream world I would work for Anthropolgie's merchandising department soaking in all the creative genius that seems to flow from that store. The could pay me in clothing and aprons and sweater clocks.

Sometimes I do not have the guts to pull off stuff like this. I feel like people would come over to my house and be like - why do you have a jar hanging from your ceiling? And then I would have to explain to them it's so much more than a jar. And they would be confused. Kind of like when you say a joke and are afraid no one gets it - so then you explain it and then it's no longer funny. Kind of like that.

Like when I wanted to title this blog post "Jar Jar Binks" but was afraid no one would understand the Star Wars/Jar reference.

Anyways back to jars. And how pretty they are.

I would kind of be worried one would fall on my head. But it's pretty.

Let there be light.

I want jars in my backyard now.

Jars make lentils and beans look adorable.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

School Houses Rock

I seriously am wanting to transform my kitchen to whatever it is now (not that cute) to schoolhouse chic.

I am not even sure that a schoolhouse can be chic....but I would give it my best.

I saw some lockers today in a magazine and I think I fell in love. A little bit.

I imagine myself finding the perfect vintage lockers that I hunt down on craislist and repaint.

Red apples.

Mason jars full of pencils (ya gotta have mason jars).

Chalkboard paint backsplash.

Somewhere my old holly hobbie tin lunch box could make an appearance.

Old framed artwork that Josh and I did when we were little.

Maybe some old flashcards on the inside of the cupboard doors.

But the lockers would be the best part. I loved having a locker when I was a teenager. I would decorate it at the beginning of every year. I would stay up the night before school started cutting things out of magazines to put in my locker. And now I could decorate a locker as an adult!

It's gonna happen. Even if I have to go steal some lockers from a school at midnight while wearing pantyhose on my head.

Ok, well I probably won't take it that far. Probably...

Here's some inspiration:)

Seriously love the globe and I think I could find that clock pretty easy. And yes, those blue lockers are full of locker awesomeness.

Lunch trays. Oh heavens that is cute. And I did just say oh heavens. Like an old lady.

And how cool are those edison light bulbs? I have absolutly no where I could put that. But a girl can dream can't she?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

To market to market to buy some fresh produce

So today my friend Daphne and I decided to hit up a farmer's market in Mesa. It was awesome! So many good deals and fresh produce. And yes, I am at a stage in my life where produce deals excite me.

I got all this for $10. Yeah. Crazy. In case you are wondering, shortly after this picture was taken I stacked all those apples minute to win it style in like 3 seconds. Try it. It's fun.

So it's a ton of fruit...but I think we will use it all.

Even if I only got the limes for decorative purposes...can't you just see them sitting so lovely in a mason jar or a clear vase?

Oh I can.

SIDENOTE: Ever since my dad gave me a box of old mason jars from their attic last week - I've been putting every thing I can into them and calling it a decoration. Stack of rubberbands? Put it in a mason Jar. Handful of dirt? Mason jar it. That's right - it's at the point where mason jar has turned into a verb around here.

Basically pile of anything + mason jar = decoration.

I must be stopped.

All right - this blog post has quickly changed from my day at the farmer's market to why I love mason jars.

Are you tired of reading the word mason jar? I feel like I've typed it about a million times.

On that note, I am off to attempt some salsa...which I really struggle with. Anyone have any good salsa recipes? I feel like an Arizona native should be able to make her own salsa, but so not the case here.

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Look

Ok - so sometime yesterday (while josh was at the gym) I got really, really obsessed with trying to get the damask background off my page. And then I thought maybe I could make a cool picture to go up in the header which made me obsess further.

And then I discovered bloggers new template designer and holy cow, that just about made me forego sleep all together.

Anyways, still trying to figure a few things out, I am so far from a web designer it's not even funny - but wanted my blog to look a little better and I needed a better name than "josh and lindsey!"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trendy? Oh well!

Ok. So, I kinda like this poster.

Its so trendy in the blogging world. But I think it's kind of urban and hip. And I like urban and hip looking things. Even though, I think saying the word hip automatically might make you the opposite.

I am learning it's ok to like things even if you weren't the first to like it. Or the 1001st to like it:) It's also ok to like something even if very few like it.

I am learning you have to surround yourself with things you love regardless of who else may like it or who else may not like it.

Ok - and there's my vent on being trendy and why it's ok.

The end.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy birthday! ( a day late)

My sweet nephew is now 6. Not that he even knows how to read - but happy birthday Clay Daniel!

Hope you have a blast at your birthday party today:)

Flower thieves

So...these flowers are stolen. From my neighbor - who's backyard looks like the Garden of Eden. No joke. Sometimes I even see a man wandering around back there wearing a fig leaf.

Ok, no I don't. And if I did that would be scary and I would lock my doors.

But her bougainvilla plant is so awesome that it grows up her wall and down mine and provides my backyard with a tiny bit of life. I can not even get my own bougainvilla to stay alive. So I have to live vicariously through her green thumb.

Free flowers and a jar from the goodwill...further proof that some of the best things in life are free - or at least come significantly discounted.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy fourth:)

Howdy folks. This last weekend Josh and I got to spend the weekend up north at a lovely little place called CHristopher Creek. We used to go here when I was little and we would hop rocks on the creek and be enamored by the green-ness. I am pretty sure this kind of looks like the place Josh grew up in a way - all that green - but I still think he was impressed:)

We had a great time playing spades, catch and uno and eating. Oh the eating. I tried to be good. But my goodness, I had some southwestern tortilla soup that just about changed my life and made me want to quit working and become a professional soup taster.

We did not have a good time sleeping. I called the beds taco beds because as soon as you got into them..the sides would pop up and you and your hub would roll to the middle for some forced cuddling. It was bad. And I like cuddling.

We went to a lookout near woods canyon and it was bea.u.tiful. I dont think some people know that Arizona has all this awesomeness but it does.

We also saw a bald eagle. Yep. On the fourth of July. How all american is that?

We then went to see the firworks in payson. I tried to take pictures of fireworks, but then realized I am a really bad photopgrapher when it comes to taking pictures of fireworks. Maybe next year:)

So that was our weekend. Super fun, but we are glad to be back home...and back to the gym:)